Yes, you read that right - AGAIN. I started my first blog fresh out of college while studying for my registered dietitian nutritionist exam. That blog was on a really great website funded by my I-Have-No-Job-Fresh-Out-Of-College budget, so unfortunately no longer exists. [insert sad trombone wamp-wamp-wamp sound effect]
Blog #1 cerca 2012 contained posts about:
- nutrition information (because, duh, brand new registered dietitian nutritionist)
- photos of what I was cooking up for dinner
- tried and true delicious recipes
- a little bit of "what was going on" in the life of young, early-20s, Jackie
Blogging was a great way to keep my family and friends up-to-date with what was happening in my life, and it was also very therapeutic and satisfying. Personally, writing is much easier for me than speaking. I can articulate myself more clearly in writing and feel more confident that individuals can *actually* understand what I am trying to say.
Hopefully, that makes sense ;)
I haven't always enjoyed writing, but when it's something not expected of me, it's something that I genuinely enjoy. In high school, I would journal with pen on paper, but nowadays, I cannot stand my handwriting, or when I spell something wrong and can't "delete" it, so it's a no-brainer that blogging on an online platform is 10x better.
So yes, I've decided to start a blog (again). This time, my blog posts will consist of some of my favorite cleaning and organizing products; hacks; tips; a little dash of cooking and recipe sharing; and a splash of posts about everyday life.
I hope you enjoy it!